Sierra Club

Sierra Club

Welcome & Thank You...

...for visiting the Blog of the Nonviolent Choice Directory.

We feature commentary but most of all action alerts on the same positive, abortion-reducing measures we cover in the Directory.

These measures include post abortion healing; male responsibility; comprehensive sexual/reproductive health education; all voluntary pregnancy prevention methods, plus rape and incest prevention & treatment; and life-affirming ways to get through crisis pregnancy and beyond.

Along with responding to our current action alerts, and participating in our Blog, you are welcome to volunteer with us.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nonviolent Choice Shares Its Vision With

Turn the Clock Forward is inviting progressive prolifers to share their visions with Barack Obama and his administration through the website. Nonviolent Choice has taken up the invitation:

Dear President-Elect Obama,

I hope you will make good on your campaign promises and make a real, result-producing effort to bring prolifers and prochoicers together in an effort to alleviate the root causes of abortion.

In developing an action plan to reduce abortion, please call upon those of us who identify as pro *every* life, born and unborn, before, during, and ever after birth. We do exist. In fact, we have existed for centuries, often at the forefront of justicemaking movements of every kind. But US culture has all too often shut out what we have to say, even burying and suppressing our history.

The audacity of hope? I am audacious enough to hope that you and your administration will listen to everything we have to offer on the urgent matter of reducing abortion.

Mary Krane Derr, Editor
Nonviolent Choice Directory, and
Co-Editor of the book ProLife Feminism Yesterday and Today, Second Expanded Edition (Feminism & Nonviolence Studies Association, 2005)

1 comment:

Jen R said...

Great letter, thanks for writing!

I may be biased ;) but I really believe that the consistent-life-ethic position of rejecting violence against all human beings is not just right, but necessary for bringing about an effective end to the practice of abortion. I too hope that our voices will be heard by the next administration, on this and many other issues.