Sierra Club

Sierra Club

Welcome & Thank You...

...for visiting the Blog of the Nonviolent Choice Directory.

We feature commentary but most of all action alerts on the same positive, abortion-reducing measures we cover in the Directory.

These measures include post abortion healing; male responsibility; comprehensive sexual/reproductive health education; all voluntary pregnancy prevention methods, plus rape and incest prevention & treatment; and life-affirming ways to get through crisis pregnancy and beyond.

Along with responding to our current action alerts, and participating in our Blog, you are welcome to volunteer with us.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Suggestion Box

Visitors, you are all welcome to leave your feedback and suggestions for the Nonviolent Choice Directory and Blog. These are new and evolving sites with a complex and ambitious mission, and we appreciate your insights. Many thanks.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you've considered visual problems when designing your site, but I don't think you've done a terribly good job of it. Purple against yellow is awful to read, and the text boxes are the full screen width, which is difficult for many of us with visual problems.

Marysia said...

Thank you for pointing out these shortcomings, and apologies for them.

And please forgive me, I am new at accessible (or inaccessible, for that matter) website design.

If you or anyone else would like to offer them, I would appreciate concrete "how to" ideas for improvement.

Are you referring to the blog, the website, both?

What combination of colors would you recommend instead?

What specifically should I do instead with the text boxes?

Marysia said...

I have changed the website and blog background and font colors back to the defaults.

Hope this makes for easier reading. Please do let me know if this works, and if it doesn't, what else needs to be fixed.

Have also experimented with text wrapping that will work in different browsers. But unsuccessfully. I'll keep bumbling at it until I get it right. Thank you all for your patience.

Bill Samuel said...

Some suggested additions to the Crisis Pregnancy Support section of the Directory:

Care Net

Heartbeat International

These are key Web sites in the area of crisis pregnancy support, and meet your criteria.

Marysia said...

Hi Bill,

Thank you for the website ideas. I have considered these two links, but need more information. While familiar with the good work they both do, I do have some questions on some points.


--I am not up-to-date on CareNet, but they used to encourage evangelical-Christian prostelytizing of clients. Although it was nothing high-pressure, that's not appropriate, no matter how ently the counselor raises the subject. Especially when dealing with people in crisis. I'm not denying that they do positive things, nor stating that religion and spirituality are inappropriate subjects in counseling (they can be, as long it's about the *client's* beliefs, needs, preferences and not a way to pursue a nonsequitur "agenda.")

--I revisited the Heartbeat International website lately
and was concerned because there was a lot of material on Bush aministration funding for faith-based programs, especially abstinence-only education.

If you or anyone else can clarify, please do, & I'll take it from there!